This Protest Letter was prepared and sent to the Board of Supervisors protesting the utility rate increase. The attachments are included below the letter. The attachments are only a sampling of the wasted effort put into attempting to make this program work as intended.

Jay O'Brien

Jay O’Brien
6851 Second Street
PO Box 700
Rio Linda, CA 95673

August 5, 2000

Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
County of Sacramento
P.O. Box 269105
Sacramento, CA 95826-9105

This is a written protest opposing the proposed County utilities rate increases.

The County implemented the Neighborhood Cleanup Program (NCU) in 1987, at that time collecting $6.60/year for the program. In a Sacramento Bee article, page B2 on March 10, 2000, it was stated that the NCU portion of the utility bill would increase from $9.00/yr to $10.80/yr. It is this $10.80/yr that I oppose.

The NCU program is better identified as the “Official County Neighborhood Trashing Program”, as it encourages illegal dumping and scavenging. The County has been ineffective in enforcing the dumping laws, so the problem continues. Now I am asked to pay even more for a program I don’t need, paying more to get my property and my community trashed by a County program. After years of acrimonious communication, the County finally put in a no dumping sign for me. The sign was installed on a very hot day, so the worker placed it in a shady spot rather than where it was intended to be placed. Nonetheless, trash gets dumped every year at the foot of the sign.

I have sent numerous pictures and illegal dumping complaints to my County Supervisor. I have met directly with Solid Waste Managers. They are unable to control the problem with the one detective assigned, who works with volunteers.

Considering only the 10,000 accounts in this immediate area, we would pay over $100,000/yr for one pickup each.  The total amount collected for NCU in the entire County is mind-boggling. The NCU should be terminated. Continuing NCU continues County encouragement of illegal activity.

If NCU cannot be terminated, thus funding some of the utilities shortfall, then I demand that the Sheriff receive funding from this rate increase to support effective and aggressive enforcement of the dumping laws. If the County is going to continue to trash my community, the County should do something to deal with the people the County encourages to break the law.

Jay O’Brien    /s/

Cc: Sheriff Lou Blanas

Attached: Sample of previous correspondence with Supervisor Dickinson

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Rio Linda transfer station activity #6
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 08:09:46 -0800
From: Jay O'Brien <>
To: Roger Dickinson <>
CC: Dick Lockhart <>,Dan Regan <>,Don Flesch <>,Kay Scott Cook <>, Jan O'Brien <>


Even with Dick Lockart's and Dan Regan's effort, there was no patrolling by the Sheriff over the weekend that we were able to identify. There was no significant additional dumping on our property, but the scavenger activity was intense.

Last night we were awakened twice by scavenger activity on Second Street near M. The first was just before 2am, the second after 3am. I walked to that site this morning, and the trash was spread out to the middle of the street by the scavengers.

This Sacramento County "Neighborhood Trashing Program" has built a new full-time occupation for the scavengers. Only a VERY FEW are from this area. When they have a full truck or van, they just dump things they previously picked up from other places to make room for something "better". They have no concern for the neighborhood they are in, from either a noise or litter standpoint. They are here ONLY because of the Sacramento County "Neighborhood Trashing Program".

I sincerely hope that the "garbage summit" held yesterday has found a way to stop the Sacramento County "Neighborhood Trashing Program".

Jay O'Brien

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Rio Linda transfer station activity #1
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 15:44:37 -0800
From: Jay O'Brien <>
To: Roger Dickinson <>
CC: Don Flesch <>,Kay Scott Cook <>,Dick Pitcher <>, Jan O'Brien <>


Please help!

Here's a follow up on the dumping problem on my property.

At 7:37am today (November 11, Veterans Day) I called 875-5555. The recording said "Our office is now closed. ... Our office will be closed Thursday November 11 in observance of veterans day". Note that yesterday at 5:45pm the recording said that the office was now closed and that I should "call back between 7am and 5:30pm, Monday through Friday" with no reference to the fact that the next day was a holiday.

This morning I note that the refuse pile has at least tripled in size. I took pictures at 8:45am.

On my return from taking pictures I found my "doorhanger" stapled to my mailbox post. It was placed there this morning. It says that pickup is November 17th, not November 12th, as your person at 875-5555 told my neighbor.

Today at 10:30am I attempted to call your office, at 874-5485. After all, on February 12, 1996, a holiday, Karen Ziebron answered the phone, so I thought I would try. Your recorder gave me the option to press zero for the Clerk of the Board, so I tried that, thinking perhaps someone could tell me if Karen was in the office. When I pressed zero, the message was "You have pressed an incorrect key. To disconnect, press 1 ..." Is there anyone in your Communications and Information Technology department that can help resolve your misleading telephone message?

Oh yes, one additional note. In my email yesterday I referred you to letters I sent to you on February 3, 1995 and April 22, 1997, detailing this problem. What I did not mention was your efforts that resulted in a meeting December 19, 1997, with John Abernathy, Dick Lockhart and George Lynch. My letter to you commending these managers was dated December 23, 1997. Be sure to read that for the "other side of the story". Unfortunately, they apparently haven't been able to successfully implement some of the commitments they made to Don Flesch and me at that meeting.

Jay O'Brien

Please review the attached pictures. They show the problem graphically.

Jay O’Brien
P.O. Box 700
Rio Linda, CA 95673
December 23, 1997

Honorable Roger Dickinson
Supervisor, District 1, Sacramento County
700 H Street, Suite 2450, Sacramento, CA 95814
Subject: Rio Linda Neighborhood Cleanup

Dear Roger,

I had the pleasure last Friday to meet with John Abernethy, Dick Lockhart and George Lynch of Public Works’ Waste Management Division at their Goethe Road facility.  Mr. Lynch arranged this meeting as a result of conversations we had about the new Green Team Plus program and how it applies to us in Rio Linda and Elverta.  When I mentioned my problems with the Neighborhood Cleanup program as an aside, George provided me with an excellent opportunity to exchange details with the two managers who are responsible for the program cleanup.  I was accompanied by fellow Rio Lindan Don Flesch of the Rio Linda Elverta News.

I shared with them the problems that I have discussed with your staff over the past years.  John and Dick were extremely concerned.  They are obviously County Managers who have the taxpayers best interests in mind.  It is refreshing to meet government managers who are very aware that they work for us!

Here’s the results of our meeting:

They will investigate my unpleasant incident with the Field Supervisor on April 22nd, the same day that I was honored to receive the “Citizen of the Year” award from you and the other Board members.

They will change the printing on the doorhangers at the next printing to clearly identify the need to place rubbish in front of the property where the rubbish originates, or to have permission if placed in front of other property.

They will look into establishing better communication with “CUBS”, the public contact telephone number location, so that pickup scheduling problems can be avoided.

They have expressed that they are aware of their problems in distribution of the doorhangers and are trying to mitigate that situation.  The doorhangers are presently distributed under contract, not by County employees.

They will try to find a better way to handle situations where rubbish cannot be picked up because it falls outside the items their crews are permitted to accept.  I understand there is already a method for leaving a notice for property owners when items cannot be accepted, and they will see why that is not being used.  They will see if there is a way that they can avoid referring customers to other agencies for the handling of subsequent pickups for materials dumped by other than the property owner.

Roger, I was very impressed by John, Dick and George.  I am proud to have them on our payroll.  Please pass my compliments and thanks along to Mr. Thomas.


/s/ Jay

PS: George is working with me to set up a community meeting to be co-sponsored by his organization, our Chamber of Commerce, our Parks & Recreation District and our Water District in early 1998.  The public will have an opportunity to learn about and express concerns with both the Green Team Plus and Neighborhood Cleanup programs.

cc: John Abernethy, Dick Lockhart, George Lynch, Don Flesch

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Dumping problem again. Why me?
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 21:06:51 -0800
From: Jay O'Brien <>
To: Roger Dickinson <>


I appreciate you bringing everyone out to meet with us last evening. I'm sorry you had to leave when you did, but that was certainly understandable. I didn't agree with many of Mayor Serna's positions, but he made his points with honor and never changed his story. His loss will be felt for a long time.

Don Lockhart and Dan Regan from solid waste made some very strong statements about how the neighborhood cleanup was to be handled. I was especially pleased to hear the strong statements from Don.

However, tonight I HAVE A PROBLEM.

Based on the encouragement from Lt. Devlin, when my wife observed a pickup with a trailer dumping trash at the north end of my property, just south of 6931 Second Street (my address is 6851 Second Street), I grabbed my camera and drove up there to confront the violator.

I found my neighbor, from 6930 Second Street, was the culprit! I confronted him, and he told me that he was doing exactly what the County had told him to do. He called in this morning (Wednesday) and told the person he talked to that his property had ditches which were not conducive to placing trash. He was told to "put it anywhere you can as long as it is safe". He was NOT told that it had to be in front of his property on the same side of the street!

This is exactly the issue that I worked with Dan Regan to correct, and the doorhangers were redesigned as a result. The doorhangers clearly state that the "Materials must be placed out for collection as follows: IN FRONT OF YOUR RESIDENCE AND ON THE SAME SIDE OF THE STREET" (copied from the doorhanger I received June 4, 1998). Those exact words are the ones I suggested to Dan on April 15, 1998! They were suggested for EXACTLY this reason.

Knowing this, I asked my neighbor if he had received a notice, as I have not received one. He said that he had not received a notice, and that he had to call to find out when the pickup was scheduled. He told me that he was told the trash would be picked up Friday.

I explained to him that the County person was in error, but as he was told to dump by the County, I did not demand that he remove his trash.

I explained to him that if someone is injured, they will sue me, not him. I explained to him that if glass is broken that the County won't pick it up, I will have to do it. I explained to him that if there were things the County won't take, it's up to me to dispose of it. I also told him that I believed the County was in error telling him that the pickup was scheduled for Friday, as I know I will get at least a week's notice according to Don Lockhart. I explained to him that tomorrow, especially because it's a holiday, will draw scavengers and his trash will attract additional dumping.

I tried to reach Dan Regan, but he was not there, and I left a message on his phone. I tried to reach 875-5555 but I received a recording that the office is closed and I should call back between 7am and 5:30pm, Monday through Friday.

Tomorrow is Veterans Day. I have no idea what luck I will have trying to reach anyone.

Roger, you arranged to have a County installed sign on my property, about 400' south of where my neighbor was dumping, that says there is a $1000 fine for dumping. You did this for me after repeated complaints from me about this same exact problem. It was installed (SR47) on July 1, 1997 and was changed out for a different, much easier to understand, sign earlier this year. If you recall, Tom Braun from Traffic engineering originally visited and recommended two signs, one to be exactly where todays dumping took place. His supervisor, Steve Stosich, denied the recommendation, but after repeated calls to Rob Hill ONE sign was finally installed.

Karen Ziebron, your Chief of Staff, will remember our telephone call on February 12, 1996 (she was working on a Holiday) when I told her of additional dumping and spreading by scavengers. She agreed I had done everything I could do, and said she would try to get an immediate pickup for me, even though it was a holiday. During her call, in jest I said that the next thing dumped would be a washing machine. We both laughed, but within hours there was a washing machine AND a stove dumped.

Please review my detailed letters to you on February 3, 1995 and April 22, 1997, about this matter. If you recall, I gave you the April 22, 1997 letter on the day you presented me with the "Citizen of the Year" award. That letter asked for resolution of the 6:45am rude awakening I got that day from a phone call from a Solid Waste supervisor, Mr. Buelna, who suggested I should call my County Supervisor to complain. Little did he know that that was the day I was on the Board agenda. He was calling to respond to my complaint that the pickup had been accomplished before schedule, and I was unable to put out my refuse.

I would like to see the County employee that told my neighbor where to dump fined $1000, based on the sign. The County employee is the guilty party here, but again I have no recourse against County employees, and my time and effort to mitigate this problem, including cleaning up after the County, is not reimbursable. Why bother with signs? Why bother with rules and regulations?

Roger, I expect the trash to be picked up FRIDAY, as committed by the County employee. Further, I expect another trash pickup, after I have a notice that gives me a weekend to stage my branches and trash that I would like to have picked up. This timing was explained by Don Lockhart Tuesday night.

Based on my past experience, I suspect the County employee didn't know WHERE on Second Street my neighbor lives, and I suspect the schedule was improperly interpreted.

Why me?

Jay O'Brien